• Communication

    Understand the significance of terms and language—and what respectful communication looks like.

  • Relationship Building

    Learn how Indigenous and Western worldviews impact decision-making, perspectives and needs.

  • Understanding Rights

    Learn about the legal constitution, Aboriginal and treaty rights and your duty to uphold them.

Improve cultural awareness and promote responsible practices.

This course will provide you with background information on Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

The duty to consult and accommodate Indigenous communities regarding resource development projects (as outlined in Canadian law and affirmed by court decisions) can sometimes lead to conflicts in the forestry sector.

This training program has been created by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. and has been licensed to the WFCA—in an effort to promote cultural competence and reconciliation within BC's Forestry Sector.

Through this training, you will learn a number of perspectives and receive hints and tips to build relationships and work effectively on unceded lands.

Training curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Online Training Overview

    1. Scientific and Indigenous Perspectives

    2. Wheels, Written Languages and Primitive Cultures

    3. Nomadic, Farmers, or Fishers and Governance

    4. Knowledge Check - Pre-Contact Nations

    5. 1492: Arrival to the "New World"

    6. The Royal Proclamation of October 1763

    7. Knowledge Check - Arrival to the "New World"

    1. The BNA and Indian Act Part 1

    2. The BNA and Indian Act Part 2

    3. Chief Dr. Robert Josephs' First Day of Residential School

    4. The Right to Vote

    5. The Sixties Scoop

    6. The White Paper

    7. Knowledge Check - Nations to Wards

    8. 1867 - Nations to Wards Resources

    1. Constitution Act: Section 35

    2. Knowledge Check - Constitution Act

    3. What's the Best Terminology? Part 1

    4. Whats the Best Terminology? Part 2

    5. Knowledge Check - Terminology

    6. Delgamuukw Decision

    7. 1982 - Wards to Nations Resources

    1. Indigenous Peoples are all the same, right?

    2. What Do Indigenous Peoples Want?

    3. Indigenous Peoples Don't Pay Taxes

    4. Knowledge Check - Indigenous Peoples Then and Now

    5. Indigenous Peoples Then and Now Resources

    1. You're almost done!

    2. Continue your journey with us!

    3. What's up next?

    4. Download your certificate

Indigenous Awareness Training: For Forestry Workers